Utländska spelare
Här kommer SBSF fortlöpande lägga ut information om utländska spelare som hör av sig till förbundet angående möjligheterna att spela i Sverige och Europa. Vi tar dock inget som helst ansvar för nedanstående uppgifter utan förmedlar enbart de kontakter som kommit in.
Är er förening intresserad av att kontakta spelare eller coacher nedan - kontakta dessa - inga kontakter kommer att gå via SBSF.
From: LOUIS BIRCH Subject: American interested... Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 20:03:19 -0800 ..in playing in Sweden this Season! My name is Louis Birch and I am a left-Handed Pitcher with 15 years of experience including College and Professional competition. Are there opportunities for a Foreign Player? Some general Statistics for you to consider: High School Stat's (3 years Varsity): 15 wins -3 losses ERA 3..25 est. College 14 wins - 5 losses- 8 saves ERA 3.50 est. Professional 4 wins- 4 losses - 2 saves ERA 4.00 est. Combined Stat's- 33 wins, 12 losses & 10 saves ERA-mid to high 3.0's You may view a workout on the web: www.zebramotionarts.com/louis-birch.wmv I hope to talk to you very soon, Louis Birch
From: Justin Hallenbeck Sent: den 18 januari 2005 02:02 Subject: Baseball in Sweden To Whom It May Concern, My name is Justin Hallenbeck. I play baseball at Chapman University in Orange, California. I am currently finishing up my senior season at Chapman. I am graduating in May of this year. I play second base this year. I have played first base and shortstop at Chapman as well. I am very capable of playing outfield too. I am 22 years old, turning 23 in November. I am looking forward to finding a team to play on for the coming summer. If there is any other information I need to provide please email me back. Thank you for your time. Justin Hallenbeck
Från: JBulge1007@aol.com [mailto:JBulge1007@aol.com] Skickat: ti 2005-01-18 02:01 Ämne: Baseball in Sweden To Whom It May Concern, My name is Justin Hallenbeck. I play baseball at Chapman University in Orange, California. I am currently finishing up my senior season at Chapman. I am graduating in May of this year. I play second base this year. I have played first base and shortstop at Chapman as well. I am very capable of playing outfield too. I am 22 years old, turning 23 in November. I am looking forward to finding a team to play on for the coming summer. If there is any other information I need to provide please email me back. Thank you for your time. Justin Hallenbeck From: Amber Maxwell [mailto:amber@aceonline.com.au] Sent: den 31 januari 2005 04:26 Subject: Softball My name is Amber Maxwell, Im from Perth Western Australia, the reason for my email, Im looking for a team to play for in Sweden, I play in the Western Austalian Team & State League Softball, I also coach Juniors U-16 Girls & Mens Div 6 Team, I am currently the Perth Allstars U-19 coach to travel too Singapore - March 2005, in the SEAYB&S Tournament. I am 20 years old & I have a friend who is currently visiting from Sweden, her name is Amanda, she's in the Swedish National Softball Team, she has told me so much about your wonderful country, that its convinced me to come play Softball for about 6months/ year. I play along side & against the best softball players in the country & that's a huge honour. The reason for my email, I would like to take this opportunity to play for Sweden or your Local State League team,. To fulfil my dream as a Softball player I would love to here from you soon. Regards, Miss Amber Maxwell
From: J Johnson Sent: den 28 mars 2005 07:06 Subject: baseball 2005 Hello, I was referred through some of the baseball people in the UK to contact your club. I am looking to find a team to pitch for this upcoming season 2005 in Europe. I have played in France and last season coached and pitched in Czech Republic for Brno Technika. I am currently coaching at Hillsdale College with former MLB player Paul Noce and myself have played for the Baltimore Orioles and Atlanta Braves organization in the minor leagues as well as in the Frontier League which is Independant A level baseball. I am 6'7" 250 lbs and hit and pitch right handed. I also can pitch lefthanded but haven't in competition for a few seasons, only right handed which is dominant. I have refrences if need be. Thanks for your time and hopefully your interest. Thanks, Jeremiah J. Johnson |
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Publicerad: 2005-03-29
Senast uppdaterad: 2008-11-26